Kickass Simple Theme in 140 lines of pure CSS for only 799 bytes

Web Navigators are like old stone houses. It's possible to destroy everything inside and build new fancy houses.

Or, just enhance a little bit the experience with them, marrying old stone and comfort.

And it's fast !

140.css leave the navigator express his self by adding, as less as possible, opinionated modern design (responsive, readable forms and table).

It do this in less than 140 lines of CSS integrated a dark theme (prefers-color-scheme).

It's some kind of tweet design.

Look the code source.

This theme was inspired by Vivaldi Reader Mode and Water.css and Caleb Porzio personal website.

Kitchen Sink




Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6


Tables are readable
col 1 - line 1 col... 1
col 1 - line 2 col... 2
col 1 - line 3 col... 3


Emphasis, aka italics.

Strong Emphasis, aka bold.

Mark .


  1. First item
  2. Second item
  3. Third item

Responsive Image

Responsive Image


class HelloWorld

    public static function show() {
      echo 'Hello World !';

Inline Code



There are no plans to reinvent any wheels, unless those wheels are old, broken, unsafe or horrible to use. If the code cannot be installed with Composer, has an API written with BizZaroCapS, doesn’t have a single unit-test, is actually broken or the lead developer has abandoned the project, then that is a problem which can most likely be solved with a fresh start, and we’ll be on the case to make it as awesome as possible.


Details and summary

Click to see this hidden content

Here am I !
